Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Racism and Its Effect on Australia Immigration

Australia is one of the most successful multicultural society in the entire world. But even with the highly harmonious and cohesive living styles, we cannot deny the impact of racism as it has become the most terrible social problem in the area. In a recent interview, Penny Wong revealed that racism is the biggest threat to Australian democracy. People who see this issue in terms of some commercial and political advantages are likely to make it go worst in the country.

During the 45th parliament, Labor senator warned the community by saying that extremist views and hate speeches cause huge harm to the democracy and the situation becomes more complicated due to lack of unity in response to that. There are so many ways people in the country can face racism behavior. They are often being abused for their darker skin colors. And it is never acceptable. The situations often get worse for the people who face such discrimination every day. Some of the most common groups that face racism on a regular basis are Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people. It is a common scenario for the immigrants who gathered here from culturally diverse backgrounds. The terrible fact is that they often get into systemic discrimination as well; it limits their access to various opportunities and common resources to ensure growth in their life. That is why people are thinking twice before planning to migrate to Australia.

Wong says that racism is not just unethical; this behavior is antithetical to the essential values of democracy. That is why we need to raise voice against racism and hate speech to defend the sufferers. But Wong also reveals that it is not possible to defend the situations by just concerning the freedom of speech as it inflicts direct and real harm. Actually, the poor behavior of racism dehumanizing the outsiders or so-called second-class citizens and they are not able to get the desired level of dignity and protection for being the integral members of the community. That is why hate speech becomes a dangerous thing for the entire society because the hatred in speech slowly raises to hatred in deed.

The scenario says that polarisation is not just influenced by the political leaders, but at the same time, the ill effects are also spread by the news media. The rise of social media has also provided a new platform for debate; it further leads to failure of the factual framework that is otherwise useful to solve the issue. Racism has a huge impact on Australia immigration; the new arrivals find it difficult to connect with the communities and to find a job as well. Wong revealed that the nation must make collection efforts to face the threat of racism and prejudice. The idea is to work together for recognizing the trends of racism and hate speech and then work together to eliminate these risks. It is important to tackle various drivers of racism; they are disengagement, disrespect, and inequality. Once the nation sets the right parameter for dealing with racism, then only the migrants can look for a better life in Australia. It can naturally ensure huge rise in Australia PR application.


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